Curent Lab Members
Pravin Wagley, Neuroscience Program Coordinator
John Stout PhD, Data Analyst
Mohamed Ouardouz PhD, Researcher Analyst
Emily Dean, UVM undergraduate researcher ING Graduate student at the University of Delaware
Akanksha Goyal, ING Graduate Student at the University of Delaware
Mohamed Khalife, ING Graduate Student at the University of Delaware
Trevor Wolf, CMB Graduate Student at the University of Vermont, co-mentored with Dr. James Stafford
Manny Ruiz, Research Assistant I
Josh Shelly, UD undergraduate researcher Intern and lab group Solidworks master
Lab Alum
Khalil Abed Rabbo, Lab Manager Extraordinaire
Montana Kay Lara, NGP Graduate Student at the University of Vermont (co-mentored with Matt Mahoney and Rod Scott)
Kelly Lee, Summer Neuroscience Undergraduate Research Fellow, Trinity College
Andrew Massey, Undergraduate research intern, University of Bath (UK)
Laura Powers, Undergraduate researcher, UVM
Jake Spiegler, post-baccalaureate researcher
Colin Villarin, Summer Neuroscience Undergraduate Research Fellow and Honors Thesis Student, UVM
Sushma Boyapati, NSURP research fellow
Sam McClelland, NSURP research fellow
Alison Ramirez, NSURP research fellow
Hayley Holm, Research Assistant I